Our inspector has earned the following inspector certifications awarded by InterNACHI® - the world's largest organization of residential and commercial property inspectors.
Continuing education and expansion of quality inspection services available to you, is very important to us. Additional certifications are forthcoming!
Trained & Experienced
BoardWalk's inspector is a Certified Professional Inspector CPI® trained by InterNACHI, the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, and also has extensive contractor experience as wells as a Bachelor of Science degree.
Our Professional Inspector follows, and often exceeds, a comprehensive Standards of Practice, abides by a strict Code of Ethics, and takes accredited Continuing Education courses each year in order to maintain certification and membership in good standing. High-end equipment and tools are utilized to find things other inspectors may miss.
In order to become certified, our inspector was required to take numerous inspection courses related to the interior and exterior of the home, including the common and major areas of concern for home buyers, such as the foundation, heating and cooling, roof, plumbing, and electrical systems. BoardWalk's inspector is a certified graduate of the InterNACHI® School, which is a nationally-accredited inspector college.
Buying a home is typically one of the biggest investments you will ever make. It's important to get a home inspection to document defects that may or may not be obvious. Such defects can range from simple replacements or repairs to severe damage or safety and health concerns.
Backed By the Honor Guarantee

BoardWalk Property Inspections LLC wants you to feels at ease with your inspection and the integrity of your inspector. We are backed with a $25,000 Honor Guarantee!
BoardWalk's Honor Guarantee, backed by InterNACHI, covers the replacement cost of any personal property lost during an inspection that cannot be found, returned, or insured for up to $25,000 (USD; maximum collective aggregate) as part of our dedication to safeguarding the interests of home inspection clients. This coverage is only applicable where the client's personal property was taken as a result of the misconduct of an InterNACHI®-certified member who was held liable to applicable charges.